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Martina Gedeck in Rossini (1997)
Sonia Infante in Mujer de fuego (1988)
Christina Fulton in The Girl with the Hungry Eyes (1995)
Lisa Farringer in The Carhops (1975)
Lourdes Elizarrarás in La ciudad al desnudo (1989)
Regine Nehy in Lakeview Terrace (2008)
Janel Moloney in Brotherhood (2006)
Amy Desta in Switch Killer (2005)
Sophie Monk in Entourage (TV) (2004)
Laura Gemser in Black Cobra (1976)
Natsumi Mitsu in Sexual Parasite (2004)
Elia Galera in The Ugliest Woman in the World (1999)
Pilar Pellicer in Los amantes frios (1978)
Marnette Patterson in Wild Things: Foursome (2010)
Laura Osswald in Seventeen - Mädchen sind die besseren Jungs (2003)
Jeong-hwa Eom in Marriage Is a Crazy Thing (2002)
Claire Nebout in Venus Beauty Institute (1999)
Jaime Murray in Dexter (2006)
Sophia Myles in Mister Foe (2007)
Barbara Milano in Kaulayaw (2002)
Izabella Miko in The Forsaken (2001)
Isabel Mestres in Cuentos eróticos (1980)
India de Beaufort in Krod Mandoon and the Flaming Sword of Fire (2009)
Stéphanie Pasterkamp in Tomorrow Belongs to Us (2003)
Jennifer O'Dell in Point Doom (1999)
Marta Etura in Your Next Life (2004)
Jasna Novosel in Sex Pot (2009)
Faye Dunaway in Gangster Story (1967)
Olivia Munday in Can You Keep It Up for a Week? (1974)
Carey Mulligan in Gli ostacoli del cuore (2009)
Jennifer Morrison in Flourish (2006)
Amanda Redman in Bergerac (1981)
Tracy Torres in Punla (2003)
Erin Brown in Lingerie (2009)
Brigitte Lahaie in Je suis une belle salope (1977)
Jo Newman in Femme Fatales: Sesso e crimini (2011)
Michi No in The Chinese Connection (1972)
Carmen Moore in Godiva's (2005)
Rebecca Romijn in L'artista della truffa (2010)